I believe that the internet and social media specifically became toxic recently. It is filled with negative news on governments failing to properly manage a pandemic and difficult economic situation. I personally find it hard to properly manage ones commitments with work, family and the world around us and if you are feeling the same, then this makes us two. However, I chose to be resilient and becoming a better person for myself and the people I care for.

The reason I am writing this blog today is to share with you some of the useful techniques I developed to keep my balance. I am happy to share with you the list of the 10 things I do to deal with stress in these uncertain times:

Photo by Ahmed Carter on Unsplash
  1. Disconnect: I, like so many other friends I know, have watched the Social Dilemma on Netflix and since then I decided to turn off most of notifications, uninstall Facebook from my mobile device and clean my social presence on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. I limited my news intake for 1 hour of radio a day. I do not watch TV anymore and I feel so much better.
  2. Take a walk at least 3 times a week: I decided to better plan my working day around a healthy routine. I wake up earlier. I take the kids to school with my wife and have a walk with her on Les Berges du Lac. If I fail doing that, I have a walk with my friends before the curfew time. It certainly helps keeping fit and releasing stress and negative energy after a packed day of work.
  3. Have a to do list: Building your own set of actions to do around the day is very important for keeping a normal pace and not falling into a sense on under-achievement. If it is about finishing a certain project, sending a specific email or even calling a dear person, then write it down and make sure you do it before you call it a day.
  4. Don’t forget to have breaks: With a working from home mode, we tend to forget to take short walks, going out to get some sun and drinking water. So if you find this challenging set it up in your calendar as reminder.
  5. Keep faith: Whatever you do to keep faith, just do it. It might be praying, connecting with dear ones, helping the poor or the elderly. We need not to forget those who have been impacted the most during these times. This will definitely help having a positive impact on our state of mind and our communities.
  6. Have some fun: This is a very general statement as fun has multiple definitions matching a personal taste and culture. I personally like watching standup comedy, movies and my favorite show on Youtube Shark Tank Australia. On weekends, I like to take my family for a picnic or travel to close parks for a walk.
  7. Ask for help. No one is perfect and we need a shoulder to lean on. That might mean getting professional help; Calling a friend or Calling your family. You are not alone.
  8. Avoid unhealthy habits such as drinking, smoking, massive eating and laziness.
  9. Accept the fact that there are things you cannot change or influence. It is ok.
  10. Help me find number 10. What did I miss? How do you cope with stress? Please share your techniques below.

4 responses to “10 things to deal with stress in uncertain times”

  1. Number 10: appreciate your achievements, even the tiny ones.
    Number11: Get enough sleeping hours at night and avoid staying up too late ( I think it’s in the same scope of the number 8 )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot Emna for bring the Sleep topic, it is definitely one of the main factors of keeping a sane and healthy lifestyle.


  2. Kudos Ahmed! Useful tips we could all use. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by Ratiba. I am very happy you enjoyed reading it. Hope to see you again next week 🙂


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